Emails, Landing Pages, Thank You Pages, Thank You Emails

Marketing Best Practices

  • If a Landing Page has a form that will be filled out be sure to consider the following two items:
    • Required: Thank You Page (TYP) - The TYP gives us a place to add a tracking code/tag to track conversions. The level of detail include the keyword that drove the conversion, the ad clicked, when (date and time). We should not simply show a "Thank You/Success" message on the original Landing Page (called an "inline thank you") as this does not allow conversion tracking.
    • Optional: Thank You Email (TYE) - The TYE is a best practice and serves as a follow-up reminder to the user that they submitted information to the company. A TYE should be created and setup when possible. This establishes familiarity, which is important because we will likely follow up with them via phone as part of a paired outbound service.
  • It's helpful to have "social titles" built out in concert with the landing pages so we have "banners" to use in the potential future promotion of the message. 
  • If a client purchases an email and a landing page, in theory, we should have access to all of those levers. 


LP Components

  • Meta Tags: Meta tags are important because they give Google a clear signal about what the pages are about, and Google uses the information to organize content for SEO purposes as well as for other ranking factors for Adwords PPC. It is important to include keywords that we wish to rank for in Google search results and will be in the ad copy and the keywords we will be bidding on in the campaigns.
  • Title: This is an opportunity to describe what the page is about and to use valuable real estate to add more information that Google can use to rank content.
  • Meta Description: Meta Descriptions are equally important to describe to Google what the page is about but it also allows users to see what the page is about when they are viewing the search result. It is important to include keywords that we wish to rank for in Google search results and will be in the ad copy and the keywords we will be bidding on in the campaigns. In our case, since this is a landing page, we are using this description to further describe to Google what the content of the page is about, which helps us perform better with our ad campaigns. Additionally, it is a good idea to include in case the page is ever indexed by Google.
  • Page URL: The final URL that is created for the landing page is important for similar reasons as the meta tags above.  The URL should include some keywords that will be in the content and ad campaigns, which will benefit us against our competition that bids on the keywords as well.
  • Content: To create a good user experience, the content should include what the user can expect from interacting with the page. The content should also include keywords that will be included in the ad copy and keywords that we will be bidding on in the campaigns. Doing so will help us compete with others that are bidding on the same terms.


About Domains and URLs


LP Build Options Based on Client Scenarios

    • If customer has HubSpot, Pardot, other automation platform, attempt to gain access and use this first
      • If customer has HubSpot but their subscription doesn't include LPs, you will need to host on Unbounce
    • If customer does not have HubSpot but they have Wordpress/other website platform we can access, host on their site
    • If we cannot host LPs on their site due to access or other barriers, host on Unbounce


Using Unbounce

  • Unbounce is best used for one-off campaign or surveys and is not a long-term solution for ongoing/long term content marketing (hosting case studies, sell sheets, etc.). Pages will be removed from Unbounce after the campaign has ended.
  • Must start by setting up a subdomain on Unbounce. Refer to Unbounce Resource Page.
  • If building in Unbounce, we do not need a designer to produce a full .jpg design comp. The designer will still require logo file, and any supplement images in .png format. The designer will do the build so they can handle brand decisions such as fonts, font size, and select image elements.


Email Build Options

  • If customer has Hubspot or other Marketing Automation Platform, this is preferred.
  • If customer does not use a MAP and does not have any other email system in place, we will build and deploy emails through Campaign Monitor.
  • Note that TSL cannot send out a client-provided OFT file (Outlook File Template) since we do not send emails via Outlook. Advise the client that TSL will need to rebuild the email within our Campaign Monitor platform in order to blast it. We can take their design element files, or redesign it.


Project Request for Landing Page, Email, Thank You Page, Thank You Email

  • If TSL is only completing builds using client-provided content, download this form and send to customer OR fill out with them on a call to ensure we have all necessary details.
  • If TSL is handling the copy and/or design as well as builds, refer to the project request template below for planning. This should be transferred to the Clarizen discussion post with details.

Copy project request template below, paste to a Clarizen discussion post, fill in answers, delete what is not relevant, and Post for the production team's reference.


  • Content to refer to as a resource for messaging
  • Content piece or reference info to include as a link within copy
  • CTA information: What will be offered or what is the desired action?
  • For event registration:
    • Date (day, month, year), time, time zone, duration, location, overview/what to expect
  • Thank You Page:
    • Are there any assets we can promote on this page if someone wants to learn more?
  • For survey campaigns:
    • What are the terms and conditions for this survey and its responders?
  • Design - If custom design is needed:
    • Link to existing pages to look to for inspiration
    • Image types to use or avoid
  • Design
    • Which logos should we include?
    • Are there any photos we should use?

Build: General 

  • Is customer developing/building, or TSL?
  • Location (HubSpot, Unbounce, Other):
  • HubSpot Portal ID (If applicable):
  • Unbounce Subdomain (If applicable):
  • Submission Date of Build Request:
  • Required Due Date of FINALIZED content:
  • Campaign Name:
  • Required Workflows (What automation is required?): 

Build: Landing Page

  • If creating FROM a template - name of template to use:
  • If creating A NEW template - name to give the template:
  • Page Title:
  • Meta Description:
  • Page URL:
  • What type of form should be used (is there a form to be embedded, an existing Hubspot form to integrate, etc.?):
  • Form Title:
  • Form Fields (mark required fields with a *):
  • Block Free Email Addresses? (Yes or No): 
  • Email(s) address(es) to receive form submission notifications:
  • Email to be assigned Contact Owner of the responder in HubSpot:

Build: Thank You Page

  • If creating FROM a template - name of template to use:
  • If creating A NEW template - name to give the template:
  • Thank You Page Internal Name:
  • Thank You Page Title: 
  • Thank You Page URL: 

Build: Thank You Email

  • If creating FROM a template - name of template to use:
  • If creating A NEW template - name to give the template:
  • Thank You Email Platform (MailChimp, HubSpot, etc):
  • Thank You Email Internal Name:
  • Thank You Email Subscription Type (Marketing Info, etc):
  • Thank You Email Sender Name:
  • Thank You Email Sender Email:
  • Thank You Email Subject Line:

Build: Email

  • Email Platform to build in and deploy from (HubSpot, etc):
    • Arrange for TSL to gain access
  • If creating from a template/pre-designed and built email in their email platform - name of template to use:
  • If NOT creating from a template and we need to design and code it, we will need:
    • Company brand/design guidelines
    • Company logo (high resolution)
    • Any partner/cobranding logos (high resolution)
  • Email Subscription Type (Marketing Info, etc):
  • Email Sender Name:
  • Email Sender Email Address:
  • Email Copy document with Subject Line and Body content
  • Contact List (who is receiving the email):
  • Seed List (who from TSL and client side should receive the tests and 
  • Email Send Date and Time (in EST):