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Channel Marketing for B2B Technology Companies

Why Team up with TSL for Channel Marketing?

TSL's roots are in the channel. Since our founding in 1999 as Technology Sales Leads, we've helped organizations with all aspects of their channel. TSL understands the unique needs of the channel and has a team of experts ready to help.


We have over 20 years in digital marketing and worked with thousands of channel partners, helping them to generate demand and progress leads.


We can support all your regional or global channel systems because our global presence extends beyond North America to Europe, South America, Southeast Asia, India, and Australia.


Our deep experience helps us understand and benchmark your existing strategy and then build comprehensive solutions to improve your channel ROI.

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TSL offers a variety of sales and marketing workshops. These workshops can be conducted face to face or online through the TSL Academy.

B2B Tech Marketing Solutions for the Channel

Partner Recruitment

A channel is only as strong as its partners. TSL helps companies find the right channel partners.

Marketing Support Services

We maintain a team of solution area experts that can support a wide range of channel sales and marketing needs.


B2B Channel Strategy

We help organizations develop an optimal partner profile and then play a role in the staging, launch, and execution of the channel plan.


B2B List Procurement and Development

We help advise channel organizations on their list needs based on their target demographics and business goals.


An Approach for Demand Generation, Inbound, and Outbound Marketing

Our work for channel organizations involves planning, developing, and managing their strategy execution. TSL assists in the development of channel strategy and helps to implement channel support programs that deliver results. We help our clients with a range of channel sales and marketing activities through our agile marketing methodology.

Meet With a TSL Channel Growth Expert

Schedule a meeting with David English, Channel Growth Expert and President of TSL.

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B2B Technology Success Stories

B2B Channel Marketing Generation Knowledge Base

Up-to-date blog content written by our team of B2B MSP Experts, who share their knowledge around marketing industry best practices, tips and tricks, and growth insights.

How to Generate Leads With Your Channel Partners
Lead Generation
How to Generate Leads With Your Channel Partners
by TSL Marketing
Channel organizations can generate leads with their partners by creating joint marketing plans that target ideal customers using the right tactics.
How Technology Providers and Partners Can Work Together on Lead Generation
B2B Marketing
How Technology Providers and Partners Can Work Together on Lead Generation
by David English
Technology providers and their partners can work together to generate leads if channel firms understand partners' resources and goals and provide support.
What Challenges Business Partners Are Facing With SEO
What Challenges Business Partners Are Facing With SEO
by Michele Balze
Business partners compete for search by laying a strong SEO foundation on their website, emphasizing differentiators, and building authority with content.

Watch Our On-Demand Webinar With LinkedIn

Check out the webinar “How Channel Organizations Can Help Partners Generate New Customers & Brand Awareness with Digital Advertising.”