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All customer-facing sale prices can be found in Hubspot Sales portal Product Library. However, a delivery team member should reference their specific campaign's signed SOW because pricing may vary based on terms and conditions agreed upon with that customer.

For guidance on digital asset production that may be scoped out within undefined budget or monthly retainer work can be priced referencing this Pricing Sheet. Prices are also saved into Clarizen project templates where fees are fixed; variable pricing for monthly management, etc. are not and will need to be assessed using the SOW and discussions with Sales lead and/or SMEs (ads).


Discounted Services

On occasion, TSL will offer services at a discounted rate to close a sale. The project manager should handle the project plan toward the full retail value of the service(s).

  • All resource bill rates will stay the same to use in planning hours within budget (using the full retail value).
  • Unscoped hourly work (such as strategist hours): PM will take full value price and divide by typical resource bill rates to arrive at hours in budget to deliver the work ($12,000 / $150 = 80h of work). They will enter the actual discounted budget amount on the project (10% off price of $10,800).
  • Fixed price work: PM will use out-of-the box project plan templates (no change in planned work hours or rates) and enter the actual discounted budget amount on the project.
  • Note on outsourced alliance partner work: Ken will directly accept the reduced margin on the cost of outsourced work when POs are submitted. The discount was sold in on the contract from the start so we will carry that throughout the course of the project.

Labor Resource Bill Rates

Labor Resource Bill Rates are the resources' hourly billing rates to the customer to perform the work. This is the Resource Cost Rate + Margin that TSL earns for the work done. The manager will reference these rates when calculating how many Work Hours are in budget. These rates can be viewed within Clarizen on the People Module "Billing Rates View".


Labor Resource Cost Rates

Labor Resource Cost Rates are the resources' hourly costs to TSL. Each resource has an hourly cost rate associated to them within Clarizen, which rolls into costs at the task level and up to milestone, subproject, and parent project totals.


Non-Labor Resource Costs - Outside Expenses

Non-Labor Resource Cost Rates are external costs that TSL has to pay out of the campaign budget to complete work. These require an Expense Sheet routed to Finance to request to open a Purchase Order (P.O.). Processes to do so are listed here. Examples of project costs include:

  • Contact data
  • Advertising spend
  • Fulfillment of goods or other incentives
  • Alliance Partner fees
  • BrightLocal SEO citation services


Fee Structures: Management

Some programs are priced without a defined management fee. In these cases the manager must extract management fees from the budget before scoping and planning fees.

  • Original services execution budget X 0.15 = Management budget
  • Original services execution budget - Management budget = remainder of services execution budget to scope work.


Fee Structures: Tele Programs

Some tele campaigns are priced with one fee that includes contact data, management, and calling production hours. This is the guidance to follow when calculating budget for each of these included services.

Management: See above


Data: Charge a setup fee + the contact fee in all cases (whether using outside purchased contacts or TSL contacts).

  • Setup fee:
    • Data setup/work is charged at $500 minimum, then $150 per hour for time over 3 hours.
    • Setup fee work may go above 3 hours when we require more time for list matches or complicated uploads; reasons vary. The data team will share how long your total list pull and upload took at the end of the process. If this time adds up to being more than 3 hours, you must charge for the additional time at $150 per hour. The fee comes out of the total campaign budget and may mean you need to reduce PM and outbound dialing budget.
  • Contact fee for the project:
    • Determine # of contacts needed
      • Level 1 or 2 campaign: # of guaranteed leads x 75
      • Level 3 campaign: # of guaranteed leads x 115
    • For all list sources: Multiply contacts x $1 per contact for Zoominfo or TSL-owned data. This is the project fee amount to allocate for the list and enter on the Data milestone fixed price.
  • Contact cost:
    • For new Zoominfo-purchased data: Use $0.40 per contact x # of contacts to get the list cost. This is the amount to open the PO for using the Clarizen Expense Sheet.
    • For TSL-owned data: Do not open a PO. There is no incurred cost for this data project that needs to be logged.
    • In rare situations where we are using another list source, check with Chris Koslowski for the per contact cost to TSL. 

        When to assess additional Data fees:
  • When setup fee work exceeds 3 hours: Data team will require more time for some list matches or complicated uploads; reasons vary. The data team will share how long your total list pull and upload took at the end of the process. If this time adds up to being more than 3 hours, you must charge for the additional time at $150 per hour. The fee comes out of the total campaign budget and may mean you need to reduce PM and outbound dialing budget.
  • You need additional data after the campaign has started:
    • Subsequent Setup fee: Charge another setup fee if the initial data setup time logged on the Clarizen project was 3h or more. Charge additional time at $150 per hour.
    • Subsequent Contact fee: Charge for additional contacts if we must purchase them through Zoominfo or another provider. We do not charge for additional contacts if we source from TSL Data.

Tele BDTM Commission & Bonus Budget

This outlines our customer journey calling campaign structures and parameters by which commission levels for BDTM are determined. It is the assigned manager's responsibility to evaluate the campaign criteria and determine the level of difficulty and corresponding payment structure, and send for approval by Ken English, monitor campaign progress toward goals and stay within budget.

  • SQL Guarantee Lead Generation campaigns are those where TSL must call a defined list and deliver an agreed-upon number of facilitated opportunities.
  • Hourly campaigns are those where TSL must call a certain number of hours to a defined list. Hours called is based on calculation of Budget divided by BDTM hourly bill rate.
  • Hourly Responder campaigns are those where TSL is following up on inbound contacts garnered through digital marketing efforts (digital advertising, content marketing).


Account Targeting Qualities to Assess Difficulty

Easy Profiling, List Development, Event Registrations
Average Calling into lists of contacts at companies:
  • With an approved message (see right)
  • 1-999 employees
  • Up to $249 Million in company revenue
  • Partner willing to accept leads with manager-level contacts
  • Cross-industry, may or may not exclude SLED

Note: We cannot guarantee leads with CIO or Executive Level contacts so this should not be a barrier in campaign difficulty

Approved messages:
  • Cloud (IaaS only)
  • Back up
  • Disaster recovery
  • On premise storage
  • Networking equipment (hardware only- APs, routers, switches, WAPs)
  • MSP
  • Telephone systems
  • Servers
  • Virtualization
  • Hyper-Converged
  • Endpoints (Laptops, Desktops)
  • Power Systems
  • Security (firewalls, endpoint, network access control)
Difficult Calling into lists of contacts at companies with:
  • Not an approved message on list above
  • 1,000 - 5,000 employees
  • $250 Million - $1 Billion in company revenue
  • A message that TSL has historically taken greater than 24 hours to produce a lead for
  • Very specific industry verticals


Campaign Type Difficulty Level of Commission Scale and Type        
SQL Guarantee Average Level 2 Facilitation        
SQL Guarantee Difficult Level 3 Facilitation        
Hourly Responder Average Level 2 Facilitation        
All Hourly engagements below must start with a 2-week performance review period to determine difficulty and final Level assignment. During that time they will be paid:
Level 2 DFU Per 8 Hours Called        

Hourly Outbound

  • Profiling
  • List Development
  • Event Registrations
Easy Level 1 DFU Per 8 Hours Called        

Hourly Outbound

  • Market Test
  • Market Research surveys over the phone
Average Level 2 DFU Per 8 Hours Called        

Hourly Outbound - LPS Hourly to garner leads

Average Level 2 Facilitation        
Hourly LPS Outbound Difficult
  • Level 1 DFU Per 8 Hours Called AND
  • Level 2 Facilitation

Program incentives may be created to encourage short-term boost in performance during the campaign and/or to help reach final goal to close out the campaign. The program manager will discuss this with, and gain approval for budget, from Ken English.

Process for PM to Determine Commission Budget:

The PM must open a PO in Clarizen via Expense Sheets for a commission budget on their project. They will need to know:

  • Calling budget (minus any management, data setup, list purchase fees)
  • Hourly Billing Rate of resources used for calling (LPS or PMC)
  • Hourly Cost Rate of resources used for calling (LPS or PMC)
  • If an SQL guarantee campaign, how many leads we will deliver (must be a set number, not a range).

(Note: PM must have a maximum lead delivery number, especially for Responder campaigns - either hit number of leads or hours.

  • Calculate how much budget you should reserve by using the Pricing Sheet. This cost requires a 10% margin. For example, if you need $3,400 for commission, calculate $3,400 / 0.90 to get $3,778:
    • $3,400 cost to open PO for (process here)
    • $378 margin
    • $3,778 total budget to allocate to the Clarizen subproject
  • Split off the BDTM Commission & Bonus Budget from the calling hours budget. You will open a PO for the costs and associate it to this Clarizen subproject with budget.

Process to Assign Campaign Commission Structure

  1. PM opens related Clarizen subproject page and enters all Target Account Details into fields
  2. PM determines the correct level and commission structure per guidelines above
    • Note: If you have an SQL Guarantee campaign that should be Difficult but the price per lead is not $1,500+ then schedule a call with Lauren Langer and sales lead to review the campaign. This likely means the campaign will need to be re-scoped and priced accurately or potentially converted to an hourly engagement.
    • After red flag resolution if is deemed that the campaign is not properly aligned for the hours per lead requirement for level 2 campaigns and a call is set to re-scope campaign or change lead price and move to level 3. This requires BP involvement and approval.
    • Do not proceed until this is resolved.
  3. PM posts in their related Clarizen project Discussions with the following information and Notify Ken English, Chris Koslowski, Lauren Langer:
    • This campaign is [Type] and it will be [Easy, Average, Difficult] because [list summary of campaign parameters]. We will pay BDTM [copy level of commission scale and type from above]. 
  4. If the campaign is assessed to be:
    • Easy or Average: you do not need to wait for approval and you can move the campaign into market.
    • Difficult: You must wait for approval from Ken English before requesting scheduled hours to move the campaign into market.
  5. Ken English will review campaign Target Account Details and:
    • Reply "Approved"
    • Reply "Denied" and ask questions to clarify and resolve to a commission structure
  6. Ken English will update a Difficulty field on the project in Clarizen for payroll reference/controls and reporting.


Process for PM to follow Tollgate process [TO UPDATE; LINK TO TOLLGATE PPT]

  • SQL Guarantee, Hourly Responder - PM fills out Tollgate process (from Lauren), send to Lauren and Chris, automated post to alert Lauren and Chris at 40 hours Actual Effort logged
  • Hourly - How to message the 2-week evaluation (to BDTM), send to Lauren and Chris, automated post to alert Lauren and Chris at 2-weeks duration past Start Date

Commission Control:

  • All contact list/teams in VanillaSoft have to be named with the project transfer number that matches in Clarizen (for the active campaign) so Ken can cross-reference the proper Level in payroll approval.
  • Process in development:
    • Lauren will create a VS query for Jen to run that will find open contacts under old list need to be moved to a new VS team with new transfer number.
    • If a PM is using old list(s) for a new campaign, the PM will submit the request to Jen and CC Lauren and Chris.
      • Move open contacts from [Exact List Name(s)] to a new team called [XYZ*]




Fee Structures: BrightLocal for SEO Citations

  • Load the Clarizen template called “BrightLocal Expenses for SEO Citations” to allocate the fees and relate your Expense Sheet to. It’s formatted with one milestone per month, and 12 milestones (months) by default; copy/paste or delete as needed to align with your retainer duration and project needs.
  • The template is coded as Digital/Creative Revenue Department, so the fees (cost plus margin) are still attributed to your EV. Because of this point, you should take care to adjust the monthly task due date to the correct month for forecast reporting accuracy.
  • Fees for BrightLocal (cost + margin) should be taken out of the monthly SEO milestone, and added to the BrightLocal milestone.
  • The cost for BrightLocal will vary month-to-month and per project, depending on needs so you will need to confirm costs with the SEO manager. Some reference points:
    • About $150 cost is required once per location. Kyle recommends spreading out 1 location per month on rotation.
    • On top of that, there will be cost of $36-90 per location on an as-needed basis monthly or quarterly. Competition will be a variable to this.
    • $150+ for a NAP change (update to business name, address, or phone number)
  • 30% margin on the cost is required


Monthly Retainer Services

SEO and Web Optimization UX/CRO are given a fixed price that the PM must translate into production execution hours. The PM should use a blended hourly bill rate of $175 to determine how many execution hours are within budget. 

  • Example: An SEO + UX/CRO retainer has a $5,000 price per month. $5,000 / $175 = ~28 hours. The planned Work for each month should sum to 28 hours.