Website Optimization Retainers


Website Optimization Retainer Management

TSL follows a defined set of calls and Clarizen project management requirements to deliver UX/CRO and UX/CRO & SEO Retainers. The processes and requirements are reviewed in this video.






Website Optimization Wishlists

A "Website Optimization Wishlist" is an Excel document TSL uses as part of our UX/CRO services, and is adopted from the Growth-Driven Design methodology. The Wishlist captures all customer requests and TSL recommendations for work that will optimize and improve the customer's website. This document is a tool that allows the team and customer to organize and prioritize requests/recommendations, outline action items, and track status.

Website Optimization Wishlist Setup

Step # Owner Time (mins) Action
1  Project Lead  Varies Kick off digital engagement with a website optimization component (launchpad website, UX/CRO retainer).
2  Project Lead  1 Begin the Customer Kickoff Call Debrief (Internal Meeting) via conference call with screenshare capabilities.
3  Project Lead  1 Download the "Website Optimization Wishlist Template" here and save to your desktop.
4  Project Lead  1 Navigate to the related Customer Team and Channel related to the campaign project transfer number.
5  Project Lead  0.25 Click the “Files” tab.
6  Project Lead  0.25 Click the folder named “Production” to open it.
7  Project Lead  0.25 Click the “Upload” button.
8  Project Lead  0.25 Locate the file from your desktop and click the "Open" button.
9  Project Lead  0.25 Click the elipses "..." and select "Rename".
10  Project Lead  0.5 Add the customer name to the end of the document to appear as follows: "Website Optimization Wishlist - Customer Name" and click "Enter" to save.
11  Project Lead  0.25 Click the elipses "..." and select "Make this a tab". The document will open.
12  Project Lead  5 Begin discussion of Wishlist. Log any Customer-requested items on the sheet. Complete columns D, E, G, H, I, J. 

D: “Value Impact/Rationale” – What will be positively changed/accomplished by the work performed? 

E: “Wishlist Action Item” – Concise action/work to perform 

G: “Tasks to Assign with (Xhours)” – Tasks and time required by resource to complete the wishlist item 

H: “Resource(s)” – Name team members to complete the tasks 

I: “Website Pages/Areas Affected” – Link to site pages where work will be performed 

J: “Recommended By” – List TSL SME name or client name

13  Project Lead  20 Ask SMEs to make recommendations. Log the requested items on the sheet. Complete columns D, E, G, H, I, J.
 14  Project Lead  10 Consider the full list of wishlist items and discuss prioritization based on UX Audit document. Examples include: 
  • Urgency of update per the UX Audit document. 
  • Order of operations/relation to one another – Which items must be completed first before others can be started? 

Complete column A: “Priority” for each wishlist item.

15 Project Lead  1 Conclude meeting with SMEs.
16 Project Lead  3 Complete column F: “Total Hours Required” based on entries in column G.
17 Project Lead  1 Sort the Wishlist spreadsheet by Column A: “Priority” by A-Z to show “Critical” at the top.
18 Project Lead  3 Identify the number of production hours available per month per the customer’s retainer.
19 Project Lead  15 Work top down, beginning with High priority items. Determine which of the initial wishlist items can be completed within the upcoming months. Complete column C: “Assigned Month” with the month in which the work will be planned. 
20 Project Lead  30 On the Clarizen project, create tasks within each retainer month per the details on each wishlist item. Refer to the Milestone Template picklist first to identify and load any templates that align to the wishlist items/tasks.
21 Project Lead  3 Complete column B: “Status” as follows for each wishlist item: 
  • Requested: No Clarizen task created; pending additional details from SMEs or entry has not been completed by Project Lead. 
  • Planned: Clarizen tasks are created with named resources and state is Requested or Draft. 
  • Active: Clarizen tasks are in the work plan, have named resources, and state is Active. 
  • Completed: The wishlist item has been completed.


Internal Meeting: Monthly Report and Wishlist Review

Step # Owner Time (mins) Action
 1  Project Lead 0 Begin the Internal Meeting: Monthly Report and Wishlist Review
2 Project Lead 2

Speak to:

  • Client and list of core services
  • Timeframe
    • When did project contract start?
    • When does it end?
  • What is the monthly budget?
  • How many hours do we have for SEO?
  • How many hours do we have for production?
  • State the goals for the project
3 Project Lead 1 Ask the SMEs: "What is working to help reach goals?"
4 SMEs 5 Answer based on meeting prep data analysis. Provide your highlights.
5 Jeff 1 Update RavenTools report Notes with SMEs' highlights. [Steps shown in video: How to Edit a Report's Notes]
5 Project Lead 1 State the production budget for the upcoming month, in terms of hours. Do not include all hours in the month, since this will include meeting time.
6 Project Lead 1 Ask the SMEs: "What do we do next to reach goals?"
7 SMEs 10 Answer with recommendations.
8 Project Lead 1 Ask the SMEs: "What are the tactics and owners to complete those?"
9 SMEs 2

Reply with confirmation of tactics and owners.

10 Project Lead  5

Capture recommendations from SMEs.

Complete PROC-1900 Steps #12-21, to enter information for all wishlist items:

  • Existing items - Update Column B "Status"
  • Items added by Project Lead or Digital SMEs since the previous internal team checkpoint
  • New recommended items during the meeting
11 Project Lead 1 Conclude the meeting.