BDTM Monthly Performance Review Process


Every BDTM must receive a monthly performance review by their manager, regardless of their standing. The purpose of the monthly review call is to discuss each team member’s performance, including any challenges or successes they are having. We want to work with the BDTM team to help them hit their goals and be as successful as possible.  It’s important to review their LPI, KPI, and Facilitation Rate for the recent month and four-month rolling average along with KPI performance trends. For any struggling team members, it’s also important to remind them what their Performance Score Baseline (minimum KPI for recent month or four-month average) is: 







Performance Score Baseline 







How to Schedule and Hold Monthly Performance Reviews for BDTM:

1. Chris posts the KPI Excel Sheet for the month in customer journey channel of the MS Teams “Management” team. Download a copy and save to your desktop. Don’t click on it as doing so will modify the information for everyone else. 

2. Analyze rolling averages and determine performance standing, per the template/guide below. 

3. Create and send an email out to each member of your team following the templates at the bottom of this page. Note that you will use a different template for BDTM in their first 3 months with TSL/on the On Track plan.

  • Search for BDTM’s name in the KPI Excel Sheet 
  • Copy their rolling 4-month numbers (or 3-month, if in first 3 months of On Track plan)
  • BDTM level should read correctly for the role/level they are 
  • Mention minimum KPI for that month and upcoming month 

4. Immediately after sending the emails, schedule a Monthly Performance Review Meeting with each BDTM via Outlook meeting invitation. Meeting details: 

  • Chris will tell you the date that all reviews have to be completed by, so schedule in advance of that deadline. You can spread out all your calls as much as you want based on your schedule as long as they are completed by the due date. 
  • 15 minutes is typically enough time, but if they're in risk of SSP, schedule a 30-minute call. 
  • Include Jim Tarnai as an attendee in any review meeting where a team member is at or below 65% for the rolling 4-month KPI. 

5. Begin the Monthly Performance Review meeting: 

  • Confirm that the BDTM has your email and their numbers on their screen so they can follow along as you discuss 
  • If BDTM is in first 3 months On Track Plan:
    • Did they reach that month's target?
    • Review what they are responsible for as part of the On Track plan
  • Read results for the current month, usually listed in green 
    • How many leads 
    • How many DFUs 
    • How many facilitations  
    • How all those metrics contribute to their KPI and LPI 
  • Read and discuss the 4-month rolling numbers. "What those metrics do for your 4-month is ____.” 
  • Let them know what month is dropping off (usually in orange) meaning those numbers aren’t going to be affecting the averages next month. If their number is in red, it’s going to help their average, but if that number is high and others are low, it’s going to lower their averages. 
  • After those basics, review what the numbers mean for them 
    • When that month drops off, is it a positive or negative for them, or will it not change their trend? 
    • If negative, go over what it means for current month; could potentially be on SSP if you have a KPI of x (minimum level)  
    • Then go over what they need to do so it doesn’t happen 
  • Discuss the positive and negatives in performance on campaigns they’re assigned 
    • What have they done well at? (Examples: list development, pitch, phone call attitude) 
    • What hasn’t been going well/areas to improve (Examples: getting dials in, pitch, list development, messaging with a specific product)  
  • Discuss any general concerns (Examples: “Great job calling into Canada, but need to improve on US campaigns.” “You excelled on a particular campaign that contributed to your success, but it is ending soon so you need to improve on other campaigns to keep your numbers up.”)  
  • Ask the BDTM what they need to help them to achieve their goals. Examples may include: 
    • Requesting to work with Jim for coaching 
    • Work on different campaigns  
    • What their goals next month (certain KPI, # of dials) 
  • Ask the BDTM to send a follow-up email with these requests to ensure you can coordinate support for them. Conclude the meeting. 

6. Complete the review in ADP following process outlined here: 

7. Once the BDTM sends in any requests to help their performance, help them coordinate applicable support.


BDTM Performance Review Email Template:

[BDTM name] 

Here are your [Month] and rolling 4-month numbers for our discussion. Your minimum KPI requirement for the month of [Month] / the 4-month rolling quarter is [#]. You came in [below/above] your action plan KPI goal for [Month] [#]. Your [high/low] LPI rate tells me that [________].



Last Name, First Name 





Total Facilitations 






Facilitation Rate 




Four Month Rolling Numbers 

BDTM Name 

Last Name, First Name 





Total Facilitations 






Facilitation Rate 




BDTM Level? 


Estimated Daily Target (.5 or .25) 


Failing line for SSP 


Month 1 

Month 2 

Month 3 


Last Name, First Name 


Last Name, First Name 


Last Name, First Name 













Total Facilitations 


Total Facilitations 


Total Facilitations 














Facilitation Rate 


Facilitation Rate 


Facilitation Rate 









BDTM Performance Review Email Template (On Track Plan/First 3 Months with TSL):

[BDTM name] 

Here are your KPI numbers for [Month]. We will discuss them and your onboarding KPIs in our review meeting. Please come to the call prepared to further discuss your progress and/or your Action Plan, along with any training or call monitoring of peers you may want. 

On Track Onboarding plan and milestones: 

1. Month One (Effort) – In your first month, we are looking to get you more comfortable with your new home at TSL. This month is all about advancing your knowledge about TSL, our clients, and the TSL Way. We are looking for you to put forth the effort that will output results while learning our best practices. 

  • Your target is to exceed an average of at least 110 calls per day, with the bulk of your calls being done during power hours. 
  • Must be accessible via Teams, email, and phone at any time during work. Communication with your manager should be seamless throughout the day, and calls should be consistent throughout the day. 
  • Must be receptive to all coaching efforts and adapt to each new skill set.
  • During this time, we also want you to focus on developing new contacts so you can build your pipeline for success. 
2. Month Two (LPI) – In your second month at TSL, we are looking to take you to the next level: setting opportunities on a more consistent basis. We will be focusing on exceeding your minimum Leading Performance Indicator target. To set yourself up for success, aim to set qualified opportunities. Direct Follow-Up opportunities (DFU), scheduled Conference Call opportunities and scheduled Face-to-Face Meeting opportunities will add to your goal.
  • Your target will be 1.5 each week of this month (Based on level 1 or 2 Campaigns)
  • Your target will be .75 each week of this month. (Based on level 3 Campaigns)
  • Must stay in good standing and should maintain a minimum LPI average of 50% at the end of month two.
  • Must be receptive to all coaching efforts and adapt to each new skill set.

 3. Month Three (KPI) – In your third month at TSL, we will start fine-tuning your process so you can exceed your minimum Key Performance Indicator target. We are looking to ensure that your opportunities are facilitating as deliverables to our clients. Direct Follow-Up opportunities (DFU), facilitated Conference Call opportunities, and facilitated Face-to-Face Meeting opportunities will be added to your goal. 

  • Your target will be 2 each week of this month. (Based on level 1 or 2 Campaigns)
  • Your target will be 1 each week of this month. (Based on level 3 Campaigns)
  • Must stay in good standing and MUST maintain a minimum KPI average at the performance baseline by the end of month three. Your first 3 months will be used as your 4-month rolling average. (see page 11 of this document)
  • Must be receptive to all coaching efforts and adapt to each new skill set.

Overall On-Track Requirements: 

  • Complete all TSL Academy coursework and pass all exams.
  • Demonstrate ability to fill out a database appropriately.
  • Demonstrate ability to appropriately write a valuable and substantive lead report.
  • Show performance improvements each month.
  • Exemplify the TSL Culture of Accountability.
  • Meet attendance and professionalism criteria.
  • Maintain a minimum of performance metrics at the end of each month.