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Increase B2B Customer Engagement & Lead Generation with an Effective CTA

By Jenni Schreiber

Aug 13, 2019

About 5 minutes

As part of their B2B digital marketing content strategy, marketers rely on CTA (or Call To Action) buttons as a quick way to catch readers’ attention and prompt them to take action, whether that is seeking more information about a service, purchasing a product, downloading a white paper, or subscribing to a newsletter. CTAs are an important component of a marketing conversion path.

But just what is it that prompts the reader to take that next step? And more importantly, what deters them?

TSL’s SEO expert Ryan Brady gives some tips for designing an irresistible CTA button.

Defining the Pathway for Your CTA

Case study CTA examplelanding page CTA example


Let’s start with function. While the CTA button universally represents a step we want our audience to take that relates to our content, each — depending on which tactic it’s placed on —  has an individual mission.

Here are examples of 6 B2B marketing tactics and guidance for CTA direction:

Landing page 

CTA Goals: Convert or capture leads that enable you to market to the visitor in the future, provide assets/funnel content to support potential customers to your service/product 

Thank you page 

CTA Goals: Offer next steps, offer supporting content/added value, ease of connecting on social to promote your brand, prompt visitors to continue down the marketing funnel

Thank you email 

CTA Goals: Offer next steps, offer supporting content/added value, ease of connecting on social to promote your brand, prompt visitors to continue down the marketing funnel

Website page 

CTA Goals: Convert or capture leads that enable you to market to the visitor in the future, provide assets/funnel content to support potential customers to your service/ product 

Blog post 

CTA Goals: Encourage blog readers to take next steps: Share your content, continue down marketing funnel (TOFU, MOFU, BOFU content), explore supporting content on your website, capture leads that enable you to market to the visitor in the future

Social media ad 

CTA Goal: Drive users to landing page in hopes of conversion or subscription to your content

The “Look at Me” CTA Button

Some B2B marketers rely solely on hyperlinking “next-step” words within their content to bring in prospects, as opposed to creating a separate element like the CTA button.

That’s not always a good idea if you want a reader to take action, says Brady.

“You want a visual element to attract the eyes,” he said. “A button is physically larger (usually), so it’s easier to spot.”

With text links, you’re limited on that eye-catching appeal, which for buttons can include anything from images of the assets (book covers, for example) and graphics to interactive features and animation. 


As with the message you’re trying to convey, button shape too should be well-rounded.

“It is a design function that sharp edges take more cognitive effort to visually process,” Brady said. “If possible, use round edges because they are easier on the eyes and easier to process.”

The Take-Command CTA button

Don’t let your CTA button be a pushover. You don’t want it to suggest; you want it to command. When writing the text for your CTA button, it’s all about being clear, concise and direct, says Brady.

Here are his tips for writing button text:

  1. Use a strong command verb to start your CTA.
    Example: Explore, Download, Subscribe, Learn, Buy

  2. Use words that provoke emotion or enthusiasm to go to next steps, convert, download supporting content, explore more pages, etc.
    Example: Immediate Download Here, Try It For Free Now, Get Instant Access

  3. Take Advantage of FOMO (fear of missing out), if possible (deadlines for event registration, deals that only last for a short time, discounts for signing up early, etc.)
    Example: Save Today, Don’t Wait, Order Now, Reply Today and Get a Gift, Today Only, Last Chance

  4. Give your audience a reason why they should take the desired action.
    Example: Solving for user intent - Reduce Your Stress, Increase Your Profits, Reap the Benefits

Still struggling with your B2B marketing strategy? Let us help. Check out our digital marketing services here.


Tags: conversions, Marketing Tips, Lead Generation, content marketing, lead progression, website strategy, Optimized Landing Page, Content Strategy, Digital Strategy, User Experience