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Direct Mail Marketing – You’re Doin’ it Wrong

Post by TSL
May 29, 2013
Direct Mail Marketing – You’re Doin’ it Wrong

Creative Direct MarketingIt seems today that direct mail marketing is a dying art.  Inbound and outbound digital marketing tactics are taking over marketing plans – and budgets – everywhere, while direct mail sits sadly in the corner, waiting for it’s turn to shine once again.  There are lots of great reasons to move your company’s marketing focus to digital media, but despite all of those, direct mail continues to hold a place in our hearts and creative minds.

Why? Well – it’s fun to get cool stuff in the mail! Nothing beats getting an unexpected package, especially when the contents are meaningful and make you smile (the ultimate goal of direct mail).

You can easily harness the powers of direct mail by following some simple guidelines.  Here are a few tips to consider when brainstorming your next mail campaign:

  • Send cool stuff.  Remember that people already have enough useless junk in their homes and offices to last a lifetime.  You want them to KEEP the mailer – preferably on their desk, in their car, etc. – somewhere where it will be seen all the time.  This means the mailer needs to be something that they find useful and unique.  Do some research on your target audience and ask your team to help brainstorm ideas before committing.  Put yourself in their shoes – what would you want to keep on your desk? What would inspire you to take the next step?
  • Make them act.  If possible, you should always use your direct mail item to inspire people to do something.  A solid call-to-action can be tied to the mailer you are sending in a clever way, but it should be clear and to the point.  For example: Sending a flashlight with the CTA ‘IT Issues have you in the Dark?  We’ll shine a light on things, call today.’ 
  • Be honest. Don’t send mail out with false advertising or extravagant claims.  If you promise to send them a $500 gift card just for setting up a phone appointment, be sure to follow through with your offer.
  • Check your list and check it twice.  When planning a direct mail campaign, it’s crucial that you ensure the list you are using contains valid mailing addresses.  Nothing will discourage you faster than getting 50% of the packages back as non-deliverable, so prevent that by making certain your list is solid.
  • Multi-touch.  Direct mail gets a bad rap these days because it’s not traceable in the same way that digital marketing is, so it’s hard to be sure if your message is being received.  One way to remedy this is to create a multi-touch campaign with the direct mail component as the hub.  Plan a pre and post follow-up effort to supplement your mailing and you will boost response rates and ROI. If they don’t come to you, go to them!

Direct mail and print media are still very relevant marketing tactics in 2013 (and beyond!).  The biggest favor you can do for your company is have a plan and to think outside of the box.  Get creative with your non-digital marketing plan and don’t be afraid to try new things.

Please use the comments section below to share any of your ideas!
